Climate-related disasters are here to stay. How can we help people respond?

We focus on how financial services can support low-income people to build resilience to climate risks, adapt to changing conditions, and in some cases even transition to new livelihoods.

The people who have contributed the least to climate change are the most exposed to its impacts. Climate risks exacerbate existing inequalities and increase the chances of income loss, food insecurity, adverse health effects, displacement, and poverty traps.

At CFI, we recognize that financial services are an indispensable tool to help people prepare for climate-related events and recover when they do happen. We work to uncover and pilot product innovations and then share our learnings with both the inclusive finance and climate ecosystems.

Green Inclusive Finance in Action: Learnings from Guatemala

Green Inclusive Finance in Action: Learnings from Guatemala

The Center for Financial Inclusion (CFI), in partnership with USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI), conducted research in Guatemala, to understand the severe impacts of climate change on low-income rural populations. This project aimed to understand the needs of individuals facing climate shocks, map the existing financial services landscape, and design tailored Green Inclusive Finance…

CFI’s Green Inclusive Finance Framework

Mitigation. Resilience. Adaptation. Transition.

Meet our Experts

Our climate risk and resilience experts focus on helping consumers become more resilient and adapt to climate-related shocks.

Edoardo Totolo

Deputy Managing Director

Anindita Chakraborty

Senior Manager, Research and Strategy​

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