July 2–3, 2024
Watch RFF 2024 Session Recordings
Fortaleza, Brazil
2024 HIghlights
Bridging Inclusion and Innovation to Improve People’s Lives
As the official side event to the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion meetings in Brazil, RFF gathered 122 people from 22 countries to discuss topics that have massive implications for the future of inclusive finance. These discussions and an immersive learning visit to Banco Palmas, the first community bank in Brazil, remind us of the pillars that make financial systems and innovations work: trust, community, and collaboration.
Bringing together global stakeholders to share ideas, research, and solutions on emerging consumer risks.
The Responsible Finance Forum (RFF) is a global convening platform on responsible inclusive finance and consumer protection in a rapidly evolving digital world.
RFF convenes global stakeholders to assess and manage evolving consumer risks faced by financial systems and low-income people. Through convenings and working groups, RFF provides a forward-thinking space for knowledge-sharing, ongoing research, and global dialogue to improve risk identification and mitigation.
The Center for Financial Inclusion (CFI) has served as the convenor of RFF since 2022.
Building Responsible DPI Systems
This report, written as part of ongoing work on digital public infrastructure (DPI) under the aegis of RFF, analyzes three foundational elements of DPI for inclusive finance and identifies open questions that need to be addressed to advance and refine DPI for inclusive and sustainable development.

Responsible DPI for Improving Outcomes Beyond Inclusion

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A Global Coalition on Inclusive Finance and Consumer Protection
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